Green tea is one of the best natural antioxidants out there. It has a high flavonoid content, which makes it an excellent drink to fight diseases, premature aging, free radicals and to lose weight. There are many ways to take green tea to burn fat and lose weight. Below, we discuss five of the most popular ways.
Why use green tea to lose weight?
The effectiveness of this weight loss drink is based on 3 key factors:
- It stimulates caloric expenditure, which directly influences body weight.
- It accelerates metabolism and increases the activity of digestive enzymes.
- It acts as a potent diuretic that prevents fluid retention and promotes the elimination of toxins.
- It reduces accumulated fat. Green tea can inhibit lipolysis, the process by which fats (triglycerides) break down in the body. Inhibition of the breakdown of triglycerides prevents the absorption of fat, thus ensuring that not much weight will be gained. In addition to this, the catechins in green tea inhibit an important enzyme that speeds up metabolism, thereby increasing calorie burn.
5 Ways to Take Green Tea to Burn Fat and Lose Weight
These benefits can be taken advantage of by consuming the tea in its different presentations, either as a hot tea, iced tea or in pill form. The important thing for it to be effective is being consistent and measuring the right amount.
Drink 3 times a day after each meal
The most effective way to take green tea for weight loss is to be consistent in taking it after every meal. 20- 30 minutes right after breakfast, lunch and dinner. This prevents the absorption of iron from foods and at the same time encourages the burning of fat and acceleration of the metabolism.
Green tea pills for weight loss
Green tea can also be consumed in capsules, so a pill after each main meal will be enough to get its benefits. The capsules have the same active ingredients as a cup of tea, working as an antioxidant and stimulating the process of thermogenesis.
Drink green tea on an empty stomach in the morning
Following the same pattern of drinking 3 to 4 cups a day, it can be taken in the morning on an empty stomach and mixed with lemon juice to enhance its slimming effects. Then, 30 minutes after lunch, and finally 1 hour before going to sleep.
Cold green tea juice
Another way to enjoy the fat burning benefits of this drink is to make it in a delicious cold juice with green tea. Preparing this drink is extremely simple. Just make a cup of tea and let it cool. Once cold, mix it with lemon, mint, ice and sweetener. It can be taken 30 minutes after each meal.
Green tea with chia seeds
Chia seeds are filled with fiber, protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Making a drink with these two ingredients, for example a chia seed shake with green tea, helps to burn fat very effectively. Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids can improve the bioavailability of green tea’s antioxidants, enhancing their weight loss effect.
Variants of green tea to lose weight
This drink is very versatile, and can be prepared in many different ways. For example, with these variants:
- Avocado smoothie: a very rich and energizing drink, which contributes the nutrients necessary to lose weight.
- With baking soda: the bicarbonate in baking soda provides properties that help you lose weight and can be combined with a cup of green tea to take advantage of all its benefits and add some variety. Although the taste may be somewhat unpleasant, the results are really effective.
- Green tea with lemon and ginger: these three components enhance each other, being an infallible recipe to lose weight.
- Preparation of green tea water: this preparation is perfect to drink throughout the day, from morning to night. It has no limit since it consists of the same three cups of tea mixed with four cups of water. It can be combined with lemon and some sweetener to improve the flavor. With this variant, the diuretic effect is enhanced.
- Green tea with mint: This drink only contains 9 calories. It is a refreshing green tea recipe that helps in weight loss and also uses the benefits of mint. Peppermint helps with satiety and also prevents future hunger pangs that may occur during the day. Peppermint is also an excellent digestive aid and fat burner in the body. You need 1/2 cup of fresh mint leaves, 2 teaspoons of green tea and a teaspoon of honey or stevia to sweeten (optional).
Considerations When Taking Green Tea
This drink, like other teas, has a stimulant substance known as caffeine. Therefore, your consumption should be monitored in the evening hours to avoid side effects such as insomnia. In addition, excessive consumption is not recommended in pregnant women, children or people with hypertension.
- Never drink more than 5 cups a day, as this can cause tachycardia, diarrhea or headaches.
- Avoid taking with other medicines, or consult a doctor if necessary.
- People who have problems with blood pressure or anemia must take special care, since the consumption of this can hinder the absorption of iron in the body.
The best way to consume it is to add approximately 3 grams of green tea so that the daily consumption does not exceed 10 grams. It is recommended to consult a medical specialist before starting any tea consumption, since, although it is a natural product, it can cause significant side effects.