Cleanse the body of parasites and normalize your weight with this mixture


Do you feel like you’re always craving sweets? Unfortunately, most people (not just children) have a sugar addiction, but this can be due to parasites. Have you ever asked yourself, why? There are two main reasons for this addiction.

One of the reasons is parasites in the body (the other reason is—stress). When a person eats lots of sweet foods, it creates conditions that cause accumulation of mucus in the body.

How parasites are produced

Next, fungi and bacteria begin reproducing in the mucus. According to statistics, one third of the population suffers from parasite infection. Most of the time, the person doesn’t even realize they are there.

The parasites living in our bodies drain our energy. To compensate, the body needs to eat something sweet, because glucose, which is found in sweets, provides a fast source of energy for the body.

At the same time, a layer of fat forms, which acts as a sort of protection for the organisms. Generally, if you have more parasites, you will have a thicker layer of fat. If you get rid of the parasites, your weight will normalize and the cravings for sweets will disappear.
And so, when the parasites are no longer draining your energy, you won’t have sleepiness, fatigue, headaches, or feel unwell, and will normalize your metabolism and much more. You will see for yourself.

How to cleanse the body of parasites

To cleanse the body of parasites or prevent them (even if you think you don’t have any parasites in your body), you have to do this procedure two times a year, once every six months. The most effective methods for this cleanse are popular folk remedies. One of them is the following:

Parasite cleanse with the help of flax and cloves

Flax and cloves are effective against almost every type of parasite. To prepare this mixture, you will need 10 parts flax (fresh) and 1 part cloves (100 grams of flaxseeds and 10 grams of cloves). Grind them together in a coffee grinder until they form a powder, or buy it from a health food store.

Take two level tablespoons each day over the course of three days.
You can add the powder to cooked foods, a meal or you can eat it by itself followed by a glass of warm water (preferably in the morning). After three days of taking this mixture, take a break for three days.

Then, repeat the procedure again. This mixture shouldn’t be consumed within a month’s time. Don’t be confused by some reactions from the organisms, such as itching, rash, coldsores, or different colored stool or urine. If you notice these (it’s possible some won’t), that is a sign that the cleanse is working.

This is a very effective tool. Cloves have been used for hundreds or perhaps thousands of years to help eliminate parasite eggs and infections. Cloves are highly valued in large part for their antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-parasitic properties. Cloves are rich in active compounds like Eugenols, which are known for their antiseptic and anesthetic properties.

With its consumption, the cloves with the flax, which is high in fiber to help expel waste from the intestines more easily, will stay in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract until the parasites are forced to leave your body. To improve the results, so that the parasites leave their residence in your body, it’s recommended to drink flax tea on an empty stomach.

When cleansing the body it’s good to eat fermented products, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, nuts, parsley, dill, and fresh squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, all fresh, organic and free of pesticides.