Bacterial vaginosis and 9 remedies to fight it naturally

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) occurs when there is a change in the type of bacteria in the vagina. This imbalance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in the vagina causes a white or gray discharge and a strong fishy smell. Many women who have BV may also experience a burning sensation when they urinate and may have itching in and around the vagina. However, many women who have bacterial vaginosis may not experience any symptoms at all.

Woman with bacterial vaginosis

There are many home remedies that can kill the bacteria responsible for vaginosis. These natural treatments help restore a proper balance of bacteria in the vagina and reduce inflammation. Other remedies have antibacterial properties to help kill infections that cause discharge and strong odor.

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the most effective natural treatments to cure bacterial vaginosis and to prevent the symptoms from coming back. However, before we look at these treatments, it is important to know the answer to the question: What’s the difference between bacterial vaginosis and a yeast infection?

Difference between bacterial vaginosis and a yeast infection

The Office of Women’s Health in the US says that fungal vaginal infections are caused by an overgrowth of the Candida yeast. This causes a vaginal discharge that is white and looks like cottage cheese, but does not have a bad odor. Women may also have swelling in the vagina and pain when urinating.

However, the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are more like a milky white or gray discharge with a strong odor, and could be accompanied by inflammation, pain, and pain when urinating. It is important to know if you have a yeast or bacterial infection because the treatments for fungal infections do not necessarily cure bacterial vaginosis.

Bacterial vaginosis and 9 remedies to fight it naturally

bacterial vaginosis

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection in women from their teenage years into their mid-40s.


Taking probiotic supplements is a natural and effective way to treat and prevent bacterial vaginosis. Probiotics work well for bacterial vaginosis because they contain “good” bacteria that help restore healthy flora and reduce inflammation in the vagina. Probiotics are also one of the best foods to improve vaginal health.

A review of research on the effect of probiotics on the recurrence of bacterial vaginosis has reported that women who have vaginosis usually have a low number of lactobacilli bacteria in the vagina. Most studies show that oral probiotic supplements prevent or treat vaginosis without any side effects. Probiotics also help reduce vaginal pH levels, which are generally elevated in cases of bacterial vaginosis.

To take probiotics for vaginosis, you should take them daily, following the instructions on the label. You can also take probiotics to prevent bacterial vaginosis.


Another way to increase your intake of probiotics is by consuming raw yogurt as a natural remedy for bacterial vaginosis. Make sure the raw yogurt contains strains of lactobacilli bacteria. Yogurt can be used to treat and prevent bacterial infections and yeast infections.

One study found that probiotic yogurt was as effective as clindamycin in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. Clindamycin is commonly prescribed by physicians to treat vaginosis. In the study, patients ate 100 g of unprocessed yogurt twice a day to treat their symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.

You can also apply yogurt (it has to be sugar-free) directly to the vagina. This helps to restore “good” bacteria to the vagina to reduce vaginal infection and inflammation. The cooling effect of yogurt also helps relieve the itching that is associated with bacterial vaginosis. Dip a tampon into the raw yogurt and insert it into the vagina and leave it for 2 hours. Do this twice a day until the symptoms disappear.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil can be used as an effective home remedy to kill the germs that cause bacterial vaginosis. It contains antimicrobial and antifungal properties that can help reduce infection caused by bacteria. The antibacterial effect of tea tree oil can also help eliminate the odor of vaginal discharge.

Fill a small bowl with warm water, add a few drops of tea tree oil and mix well. Rinse the vagina every day with the liquid until the infection goes away.

You can also add tea tree oil to a bath with apple cider vinegar to cure bacterial vaginosis and prevent it from recurring.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV)

Apple cider vinegar can help you get quick relief from the itching and inflammation that causes bacterial vaginosis. It is naturally antibacterial and will kill the germs that are responsible for vaginosis. It is also acidic and can help lower pH levels in the vagina. This is important in the fight against bacterial infections because vaginosis often causes the vaginal pH to be higher than 4.5.

Add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar (or ordinary vinegar) with a few drops of tea tree oil to a bath as a natural remedy for bacterial vaginosis. Soak for about 20 minutes in the bath to help eliminate bacterial vaginosis and its symptoms. The acidity in the vinegar will help reduce vaginal pH levels while the tea tree oil fights the infection.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil for bacterial vaginosis

Coconut oil contains many antibacterial and antifungal properties and can be used as a topical treatment to get rid of bacterial infections in the vagina. A study on the antimicrobial effects of coconut oil found that it contains lauric acid, which is effective against many infections.

To treat vaginosis at home, you can use a tampon soaked in coconut oil. Gently warm a tablespoon of coconut oil so that it becomes liquid, and add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil and mix well. Soak a tampon in the coconut oil mixture and insert it into the vagina for 2 hours to fight the bacteria causing the vaginal infection.

Another way to use coconut oil to help prevent bacterial vaginosis is to incorporate more of this amazing oil in your diet.


Garlic is a powerful natural remedy for bacterial vaginosis because of its antimicrobial compounds. Studies have shown that garlic eliminates infections caused by bacteria. In fact, a study published in 2014 found that taking garlic tablets to treat bacterial vaginosis was as effective as metronidazole, a pharmaceutical drug that is often prescribed for vaginal bacterial infections. However, unlike metronidazole, there are no side effects when using garlic to treat vaginosis.

In the study, women received a 500 mg garlic capsule twice daily to cure vaginosis. The study also noted that consuming garlic will also help prevent recurrences of bacterial vaginosis.

Hydrogen peroxide

Food grade hydrogen peroxide (3%) can help eliminate bacterial vaginosis. Peroxide helps get rid of bad bacteria by causing them to oxidize. According to doctors, there is no bacteria or fungus that can develop resistance to hydrogen peroxide.

A study published in the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand found that hydrogen peroxide was able to cure just over 60% of women who had bacterial vaginosis. Although this was not as much as those who were cured by metronidazole in the study (78%), there were no side effects observed when using hydrogen peroxide for vaginosis.

You can mix equal parts of water with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Soak a tampon in the liquid and insert it into the vagina for 20-30 minutes or use a douche to help treat bacterial vaginosis.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D for bacterial vaginosis

One study found that a vitamin D deficiency is linked to bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women. The study found that 93% of pregnant women who had insufficient levels of vitamin D also had bacterial vaginosis. This is important for pregnant women to know, because vaginosis during pregnancy can cause complications, including premature delivery.

You may be able to prevent bacterial vaginosis by making sure you do not have vitamin D deficiency. Your doctor will be able to determine if you need to take a vitamin D supplement.

Oregano oil

Oregano oil can be used to fight the germs (bacteria) that cause bacterial vaginosis. It is one of the best natural antibiotics, and studies on oregano oil show that it is effective against most strains of bacteria.

To help get rid of bacterial vaginosis with oregano oil, you can mix 2-3 drops with a spoonful of coconut oil. Apply this remedy to your vagina and leave it for 2 hours. Also, that same dose can be ingested twice a day. Keep doing this until you see improvements in your symptoms.